Saturday, December 20, 2008

Extraordinary New Book by Verda

"I just finished writing the book I always wanted to read." Verda Smedley, Ancestral Airs. Written from the perspective of pre-Celtic medicine man and woman culture, Verda enchants the reader by writing from another viewpoint. She ties in community, plant lore, culture and the lives of healers that lived in that era between hunter-gathers and agricultural lifestyles. And it's self-published. Beautiful tribute to what you can do even if you're in pain and in a wheelchair. The wisdom transmitted to you alone is worth buying the book today. Read it before you go to bed and trance out to the way you remember in your deepests subconscious mind.
The book is 700 pages of journey to the other realms where so much of what truly matters happens. It's $25 plus $4 shipping. Just write to Verda at 2470 Sycamore Loop, Santa Fe, NM 87507.
And, oh, she also created a large set of sacred tree cards and a divination board with corresponding medicine cards. They're miniature paper creations of the highest caliber. All the sacred British Isles pre-Celtic trees are represented: alder, hawthorn, birch, oak, holly, etc. They are available at Rebecca's Apothecary in Boulder and at Border's and the Ark in Santa Fe. The seasonal set of 4 Winter Trees just came out. Magickal. Just wait for the round divination board with tokens that have little pictures of the leaves on's the I Ching for aboriginal Europe. What happens after a reading? Let me tell you, it's big.

1 comment:

  1. Verda is an awsome writer as well as person.
    I read her books and blogs, just wonderful
